Each one of us has the responsibility to conduct daily business activities with consideration for people and the environment. This outlook is also shared with, and encouraged, in our business partners.
This includes all processes, from product design to production, from logistics to remanufacturing.
Customers are central in our perspective: a robust Customer relationship, based on the highest product and service standards, and a shared sustainable approach are the ground on which we build our Company’s future success.
Our Sustainability Plan has set environmental targets throughout the entire organization:
AIR EMISSIONS: Continuous monitoring and abatment of emissions that may result from manufacturing or from combustion of fossil fuels.
ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Reduction of total energy consumption through the efficiency optimization of plants and processes.
WATER MANAGEMENT: Constant efforts in reducing total water consumption and in keeping a high quality of discharged water.
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Reduction in the amount of generated waste and increase of recovery and reuse rates.
Maximizing energy efficiency means both providing end-user fuel savings and reducing the carbon footprint of our products.
A carbon footprint project has been included in the sustainability plan within FPT Industrial responsibility.
The carbon footprint project is aimed to identify improvement to the product from concept to design, including machining, assembling, manufacturing process, maintenance, remanufacturing, recycle and dismission.