November 15, 2021


FPT For Sustainable Art Award. Dutch artist Lennart Lahuis wins the second edition

Dutchman Lennart Lahuis has won the second edition of the FPT For Sustainable Art Award, the prize awarded by FPT Industrial for artists whose work reflects the investigation of sustainable processes for artistic production. The awards ceremony was held on Saturday 6 November during Artissima, Italy’s biggest contemporary art exhibition, which took care of the entire process for the selection and assessment of the submitted works on behalf of FPT Industrial, with the aid of an international jury.

The installation created by Lennart Lahuis dialogues with the paintings of Willem Hussem, one of the most popular Dutch artists, whose works can be found in the Netherlands’ top museums, by placing the pictures alongside a large, “living”, active sculpture subdivided into four parts, each connected to a steam-operated system. Each part of the sculpture has a flat surface on which words, written in steam, appear in a cyclic sequence to make up the sentence “When Is It That We Feel Change In The Air?”.

Substantial yet ephemeral, the work perfectly embodies the requirements specified by FPT Industrial for this second edition of the award: in other words, it has an intrinsic symbolic meaning that suggests the complexity, fragility, strength and beauty of the ecosystem.

The award was assigned by an international jury comprising Diana Campbell Betancourt, artistic director, Samdani Art Foundation, Dhaka; Krist Gruijthuijsen, director, KW Berlin Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; and Antje-Britt Mählmann, director, Kunsthalle St. Annen, Lübeck.

The first edition of the award, held in 2020, was won by Renato Leotta with a work in his “Mare” series, subsequently acquired by the company.


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