Going for Gold! FPT Industrial’s Bourbon-Lancy plant achieves World Class Manufacturing Gold Level
The French plant which manufactures Cursor engines is the Brand’s first to be awarded the highest possible WCM classification for continuous improvement. It is a path which began many years ago and saw the plant achieve Bronze Level in 2008 and Silver in 2010, culminating in 2021 with the highly desirable Gold Level.
With a production capacity of around 80,000 engines a year, manufactured thanks to the commitment of over 1,200 employees, the factory has, since 1998, been specialized in the production the top-of-the-range Cursor C8, C9, C10, C11, C13 and C16 series engines, with 77 technical variants and over 5,700 options available. The site is a center of excellence for both diesel and natural gas engines, and offers customers a complete choice which is able to meet all power, reliability and efficiency requirements essential for the most demanding applications.
The route to achieving Gold Level designation was built on four solid pillars: a road map of excellence, management 4.0, predictive maintenance and the highest levels of flexibility in every aspect of the production process.
Thanks also to close partnerships with suppliers, research institutions and prestigious universities, the plant has been able to express its calling as an industry 4.0 hub, successfully experimenting with and applying a series of highly innovative methodologies and technologies, particularly in the field of IT and logistics, as demonstrated by the introduction of the Sherpa smart collaborative robots which resupply the production line stations in a completely autonomous and safe manner.
Known in the region for its commitment to sustainability, put into practice with a series of projects to reduce the environmental impact of the processes and protect the biodiversity of the surrounding area, Bourbon-Lancy is the perfect home for the best-selling natural gas engines on the market: another proud first which was achieved back in March, with the production of the 10,000th Cursor 13 NG.
The award ceremony took place on the 21st of July, at the end of the audit, with the presence of representatives from FPT Industrial and CNH Industrial.
“Each of us can be particularly proud of what we have managed to achieve, working side by side, day after day,” commented Plant Manager Luc Bernardini, “always with the firm belief that we have the desire, the ability and the determination to reach the top of the podium.”
In her speech at the award ceremony, Annalisa Stupenengo, CEO of FPT Industrial, highlighted the importance of the team in achieving this extraordinary result.“The whole of FPT Industrial and all your colleagues around the world are very proud of you and what you have achieved. It is an extraordinary result in and of itself, but it is even more fantastic that it was achieved thanks to the commitment, the collective efforts and the sharing of the entire team. It is a team which has demonstrated for years that it believes strongly in continuous improvement, and that it is able to put tried-and-tested methods and traditions aside in order to whole-heartedly embrace the new approach which has led us to the top of the podium, to the gold medal so to speak. After all, this precious metal could not be more fitting for Bourbon-Lancy, a plant which is a real jewel in the crown of FPT Industrial’s production footprint.”
Watch the video at this link .