June 30, 2021

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FPT INDUSTRIAL and SLOW FISH, a truly exciting partnership

Slow Fish is back, from 1 to 4 July in Genoa. Held in usual show mode, open to the public. And with a major new development. FPT Industrial is Official Partner of Slow Fish 2021 – The Water Cycles, with online and face-to-face events.
Through this partnership, FPT Industrial confirms its commitment to sustainability and continues to energetically pursue its cooperation with Slow Food, launched in December 2020.
As well as the traditional mouth-watering show at the Old Port in Genoa, with exhibitors and official stands run by the regional authorities to display the very best experiences on offer locally, together with restaurateurs and fishermen and event partners, the Food Trucks and Breweries, the Laboratori del Gusto (Taste Workshops) and the Appuntamenti a Tavola (Dinner Dates), the 2021 edition of the exhibition dedicated to sustainable fish and fishing will also be held at various locations in Liguria from 3 June. Using the same blend of real and virtual modes, FPT Industrial will have its own stand at Slow Fish, with many special attractions. Alongside one of the brand’s marine engines, the stand will feature the installation Consider yourself as a guest (Cornucopia), created by famous American artist Christian Holstad using plastic waste. The installation was shown at Biennale Arte 2019 in Venice and at Artissima 2019 in Turin. From 3 June, FPT Industrial will also have a virtual stand on the Slow Fish digital platform. FPT Industrial’s partnership with Slow Fish and the concrete forms it takes clearly express the company’s all-embracing vision of sustainability, which focuses on a number of macro-areas of action, all closely interlinked. Its products, which are becoming more and more environment-friendly and are the heart of the FPT Industrial solutions for the future of mobility; its production processes, which must constantly reduce their environmental impact without losing efficiency; and its support for the communities working to safeguard the ecosystem by adopting and conserving fair, sustainable farming, fishing and processing methods. Underlying this, the digital events scheduled for Slow Fish 2021 will also include the testimony of the prud’homie of La Seyne-sur-Mer in France. This small-scale traditional sustainable fishing cooperative is committed to the protection of the Mediterranean shoreline, and thanks to the support of FPT Industrial and Slow Food it is modernizing its infrastructure, especially for cold chain maintenance and the improvement of its fish management, creating new jobs.

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