June 4, 2021


FPT for Sustainable Arts Award. Creativity and sustainability are the joint winners

FPT Industrial reaffirms its commitment to contemporary art and sustainability by promoting the FPT for Sustainable Arts award, aimed at selecting the artist whose research and works are the result of a conceptual and sustainable production process. Have you ever thought about the possible connection between an industrial engine manufacturer and the world of art? Apparently, there is no one, if we judge by appearances alone. However, the similarity becomes crystal clear when we consider the amount of time, intuition, creativity and craftsmanship required to create an object – a sustainable engine – capable not only of powering vehicles and boats, but also of inspiring innovative ideas, exploring new frontiers and sparking a revolutionary vision of the world we all live in. The award, created in collaboration with Artissima, is therefore also a tool to explore sustainability in the creative process in a broader sense, highlighting how each artwork is the result of an evolution that encounters, at each stage, people, materials and lives and which must engage with organizational, logistical and economic systems. The jury for the first edition was composed of Marianne Dobner, Curator at MUMOK in Vienna, Andrea Lissoni, Director of the Haus der Kunst in Munich, and Luca Lo Pinto, Director of Rome’s MACRO. It named artist Renato Leotta as the winner of the award for his work MARE. MARE is a “horizon”, one of a set of canvases, in different shades of blue, which the artist partially immersed in the sea and left on the beach to dry under the sun: the physical phenomenon of salt crystallization forms a thread on the blue surface, creating a perfect horizon across the fabrics. FPT Industrial focuses on sustainability at each phase of its design and production process. It believes that the modern “art of producing” should be clean and mindful of the planet, right down to the smallest detail. MARE by Renato Leotta, was subsequently featured in a documentary on the Italian Sky Arte channel. To watch the exclusive video, CLICK HERE!

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