December 2, 2020



This year, the brand once again confirms its commitment in the field of art, creating and promoting the first award for sustainable art in collaboration with Artissima, in a partnership under the sign of sustainability, innovation and art. The goal of the award is to select, thanks to the efforts of an international judging panel, the artist whose research and work is the result of a conceptual thread and sustainable virtuous production.

Winning the first coveted award is Renato Leotta with his work “Mare”, a work that transports a canvas of different shades of blue to a “horizon”. The artist partially submerges the canvas in the sea and then leaves it on the beach to dry in the sun: the physical phenomenon of the salt crystallization leaves a pattern on the blue surface, thereby tracing an ideal horizon on the fabric.

The award is intended to be a tool for investigating sustainability in the creative process in a broad sense, highlighting the way each work is the result of an evolution that encounters, in each of its phases, people, materials, lives and which must make compromises with organizational, logistical and economic mechanisms”, states Carlo Moroni, FPT Industrial's Head of Communication. “A parallelism with the FPT Industrial brand and a way to promote the company's commitment, not only to offering products that are as sustainable as possible, but also to an attention and responsibility for its supply chain and its production process”.

With this, the brand adds another step on a path begun in 2019, where it was Main Sponsor of the Italy Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennial, and promoter of the Consider yourself as a guest (Cornucopia) installation by artist Christian Holstad (1972 Anaheim, California), a large cornucopia – ancient symbol of good fortune and abundance – made entirely using plastic waste. The work, a reflection on the urgency of dealing with the pollution in all the world's seas and oceans, after being exhibited at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, was presented at Artissima 2019.

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