Around three tons of plastic fished from the Adriatic Sea in just over a month. This is the immense quantity of plastic that forty fishing boats in San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, collected as part of FPT Industrial’s project Fishing for Plastic.
The waste brought ashore actually amounted to six tons, from which more than half was plastic. In detail, 48% consisted of disposable items such as bottles, containers and plastic bags, while 34% was abandoned fishing gear. The remaining 18% of the waste had plastic fragments, objects difficult to identify and unusual objects, such as inflatable mattresses, a computer keyboard, a dummy’s head, a gas mask and a printer cover.
With this initiative, the Brand aims to further raise awareness to sea pollution, which has devastating effects to sea life and impacts on our own food chain and health. The fleet was the largest ever used in Italy for this purpose - many of the fishing boats are powered by FPT engines and brought to the shore all waste collected during fishing to be properly discarded.
Environmental protection is paramount to FPT Industrial, and the Brand continues to move towards sustainability. The initiative was so successful that it was extended until mid-August.