June 6, 2019


An artist, an engineer, an architect, a scientist, a mathematician, an eco-designer, an inventor, the master of the Renaissance, a genius. Many words can describe Leonardo da Vinci and his contribution to different studies, but some events of 2019 that celebrate the 500th anniversary of his death can give us a better view of his legacy: the exhibitions “Disegnare il futuro” (Drawing the future) and “L’uomo è modello del mondo” (Man is the model of the world), both of which are sponsored by FPT Industrial.
As the main sponsor of these events, FPT Industrial confirms its commitment to art and its special admiration for Da Vinci, whose work and innovative thought are an inspiration for the Brand. This is true especially when it comes to environmental sustainability, since the artist was a pioneer also in this matter.
The “Disegnare il futuro” exhibition is being held in the luxurious rooms of the Musei Reali, in Turin, and displays 13 drawings of Leonardo da Vinci from his youth through adulthood. Among them is the renowned Self Portrait, which dates to 1515 and was taken out of the vault of the Royal Library of Turin for the 2019 celebrations.
Meanwhile, Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice is hosting the “L’uomo è modello del Mondo” exhibition, which features 25 of his drawings, from which stands out the celebrated Study of human proportion, commonly known as The Vitruvian Man, a symbol of classic perfection of the body and mind.
Both exhibitions will be open to the public until July 14th. Follow us to see our next activities to commemorate Leonardo da Vinci!

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