August 3, 2018


In the past months, a historical boat has come back to life. Berthon, an English boat company, was assigned the great task to restore a 1942 Motor Gunboat MGB 81, a 21-meter long boat that served the British Royal Navy during World War II.
>It was a long process, which involved the shaping of the hull, all the fittings and even the replacement of the engines. Three FPT Industrial Cursor 13 825hp engines, have been provided by FPT Industrial’s Master Dealer in the UK Hendy Torque, for the new life of this boat. Chosen for their lightness and efficiency, these engines have a 13-liter displacement and are characterized by a low fuel consumption and an easy installation.
he boat will be used for exhibition purposes only, and is based at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, which is the location of other historical ships like the Victory – used in the battle of Trafalgar – and museums, such as the Royal Navy Submarine museum.

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