
Genuine Parts

Original is better
Our certified genuine components guarantee the best quality and performance.
Manufactured using the same procedures and materials to FPT’s exact specifications: total compatibility, longer service life, and guaranteed operation.


Our FPT engine ranges offer the maximum efficiency and environmental sustainability for your applications, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, and maximizing engine service life and performance. Choosing Genuine FPT Parts will help you maintain the best conditions just like from the manufacturing plant. The latest upgrades with compatible parts and prompt delivery: products that maintain value and offer long-term savings. Our Genuine Parts are designed to fit perfectly in your engine. In our FPT Industrial Authorized Workshops, you will find highly qualified technicians ready to expertly assist you to guarantee the best efficiency for your engine. The FPT Network uses quality products and services to offer you top quality technical solutions developed alongside our partners.

Discover the benefits of FPT Genuine Parts

Designed and engineered by FPT
Top performance
Full respect of FPT technical specifications
Maximum uptime thanks to parts reliability
12 months warranty coverage

After-treatment System

The After Treatment System (ATS) converts the pollutants present in exhaust gases produced by the engines into substances that do no harm the people or the environment.



  • The exhaust gases leaving the turbine enter first the DOC - Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (1) in which the hydrocarbons (HC) and the carbon monoxide (CO) are converted into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
  • Subsequently, the exhaust gases pass through the particulate filter DPF (2) , which traps the carbon particles in the inlet channels of the ceramic honeycomb.
  • Afterwards, the gas enters into the SCR (3) module: through the injection of DEF (standardized liquid solution of urea and water), the chemical conversion of NOx reduction takes place, resulting in free nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O).
  • At least the Clean Up Catalyst (CUC) (4) is located after the SCR and has the task of selectively oxidize the NH3 in excess.

  • The exhaust gases leaving the turbine enter first the DOC - Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (1) in which the hydrocarbons (HC) and the carbon monoxide (CO) are converted into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
  • Subsequently, the exhaust gases pass through the particulate filter DPF (2) , which traps the carbon particles in the inlet channels of the ceramic honeycomb.
  • Afterwards, the gas enters into the SCR (3) module: through the injection of DEF (standardized liquid solution of urea and water), the chemical conversion of NOx reduction takes place, resulting in free nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O).
  • At least the Clean Up Catalyst (CUC) (4) is located after the SCR and has the task of selectively oxidize the NH3 in excess.


    Inside the combustion chamber, Particulate Matter (PM) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) have conflicting chemical factors.
    A high combustion temperature leads to economic fuel consumption and low particulate (PM) levels, BUT it generates a high rate of Nox production. No Diesel Engine currently can be designed to meet both PM and NOx emission standards without the use of an exhaust treatment system. In either situation, an exhaust aftertreatment system is needed to reduce the levels of pollutants down to the required limits.
    Thanks to the ATS system, engineers can develop engines with extremely low fuel consumption while still meeting the emission targets.


    As the emission legislation becomes more and more severe, it is fundamental that the engine is developed together with its ATS system. FPT develops specific solutions, according to the characteristics and the mission profile each FPT engine has been designed for. Every component of the ATS system has been developed, tested and validated to outstand the most severe conditions and ensure optimal performance and longevity in any working condition of your FPT engine.


    After a certain amount of suit is built up into the filter, it can be difficult for the gases to exit, and the engine performance can be affected. Make sure to perform a full regenerating cycle when requested. Make sure that your urea tank is filled with certified DEF / AdBlue® additive only. Other fluids, not compliant with DEF specifications, may damage the system and could cause serious damage to your machine. Furthermore, exhaust emissions would no longer meet legal standards.

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