The Board of Directors has established a process to ensure that Company employees and third parties have the ability to report suspected general, operational and financial wrongdoing within the Company.
The Iveco Group Compliance Helpline is managed by an independent third-party supplier and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Reports can be made through a dedicated web portal, by app, by telephone, or to a Company representative. Where permitted by law, reports may be submitted anonymously. Furthermore, when legally required, the nature of the relationships can be limited to only certain parties.
Iveco Group prohibits and will not tolerate any form of retaliation. The Company prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers even if their concerns are ultimately found to be unsubstantiated after investigation. Iveco Group is committed to ensure a secure reporting environment that encourages and enables whistleblowers to speak-up and raise issues and concerns without fear of being retaliated against for doing so.
Concerns about an immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property (e.g. fire, flood), should not be reported to the Compliance Helpline. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local police or emergency responders.
For all other complaints involving allegations of wrongdoing, please provide complete, accurate, and detailed information. The Company review all the reports submitted in a timely manner and, where appropriate, takes corrective action.
As part of our commitment to maximising long-term shareholder value, we maintain high standards of financial planning and control and we utilize accounting systems that are consistent with applicable accounting principles and laws. Examples of nonconforming accounting and internal control acts include: violation of accounting principles, Finance policies and applicable laws; insider trading; confidentiality obligations.
Employees, officers and directors must comply with all applicable laws in the cities, states and countries in which Iveco Group operates as well as company policies and procedures. Examples of business conduct violations include: dishonest or unethical behavior (including misuse or misappropriation of company assets); actual and apparent conflicts of interest; not making disclosures required by the Code of Conduct; violations of applicable corruption, competition/antitrust or other laws or company policies or procedures; and not promptly reporting violations of the Code.
In compliance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights and relevant International Labour Organization Conventions, Iveco Group supports the protection of fundamental human rights and respect of all individuals, ensuring equality of treatment and excluding any form of discrimination. Examples of nonconforming employment practices include: child or forced labor, discrimination of any kind, harassment, and retaliation.
We are committed to conducting and enhancing our relationships with all stakeholders, acting in good faith, with loyalty, fairness, transparency while respecting our core ethical values as defined by the Code of Conduct. Allegations may be related to any concern regarding, among others: the conduct of an external advisor, independent contractor, or political/governmental official; or the company’s arrangements with external advisors or independent contractors or political/governmental officials (including political contributions).
We recognise health and safety in the workplace as a fundamental right of employees and a key element of Iveco Group’s sustainability efforts. We also seek to ensure industry leading working conditions, in accordance with principles of industrial ergonomics and individual organizational and operational processes. Examples of nonconforming health, safety and environment acts include: violation of applicable environmental laws or company policies or procedures with respect to, among other things, the handling and disposal of hazardous materials or the health and safety of individuals; product quality concerns; and acts or omissions that have a negative impact on local communities or society.
If you are aware of circumstances or actions that violate, or appear to violate, the Iveco Group Code of Conduct, company policies or the law, you can report a violation to the Group Compliance Helpline using a web intake form through the channel “Raise a Concern to Iveco Group” at: https://ivecogroup.speakup.report/raiseaconcerntoivecogroup.
In those countries where the law establishes that each Legal Entity with more than 249 employees must have its own reporting channel, reports can be made either to the Group Compliance Helpline or to the relevant Legal Entity Compliance Helpline. In the latter case reports can be made using a web intake form through the channel “Raise a concern” at: https://ivecogroup.speakup.report/it/raiseaconcern/home. If you decide to exercise the right to report at the Legal Entity level, central ethics representatives will not be involved in the handling of the report and will not have access to the content of the allegation, unless it affects multiple Legal Entities or constitute a material issue for the Group. The case will instead be managed by the appointed persons for the Legal Entity concerned.
How do I speak up via the app as a Reporter?
Follow the instructions here
How do I speak up via the phone as a Reporter?
Follow the instructions here